Morphine Rehab

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Treatment for Morphine Addiction

Morphine addiction is a devastating disease affecting millions of people in the United States alone.  Anyone who becomes physically addicted to morphine will need assistance to kick the habit.  There are many treatments for morphine addiction.  They include medical detox, rapid opiate detox, psychotherapy, addiction, coping and life skill classes, and even drug replacement therapies.  These treatments all work differently, but the objective is the same, to provide the patient with a chance to live out the rest of their lives without addiction.

Medical Detox

Morphine withdrawals are some of the worst out there, especially for long-time users, making it almost impossible to safely wean yourself at home.  If you are thinking about quitting, you should consider using a medical detox service.  Regardless of whether you choose to detox at your local community hospital or at a rehab facility, these programs can help you safely detoxify yourself from morphine addiction.  Medical detox programs also offer the patient non-narcotic medications to help reduce these severe withdrawal symptoms.  This is the first step to gaining your life back, so don’t be too scared to take it.

Rapid Opiate Detox

Rapid opiate detox is a procedure offered by many of today’s top rehab and recovery centers that claims to be able to ‘cure’ opiate addiction.  This is done by first sedating the patient, and then using a medication they remove the morphine from the opiate receptors in the body.  This entire process takes less than 2 hours’ time, and shows lasting results for many patients.  However, it is still a good idea to seek additional care for the psychological aspect of addiction.


Psychotherapy is an important part of the morphine recovery process.  This is the part of the healing process where the patient learns why they felt they needed to self-medicate.  If a patient opts out of therapy, they will more than likely relapse at least once during their recovery.  Therapy can be offered in a number of ways, including one on one and group sessions.  This very important part of recovery can make all the difference between a continued recovery and relapse.

Addiction Education/Coping and Life Skills

Addiction education is another crucial part of recovery.  This is where the patient learns what triggers their drug use.  Once an addict knows their triggers, they can spot a bad situation and stop a potential relapse from happening before it start.  Another part of treatment for morphine addiction is the use of coping and life skill classes.  Patients can benefit from these because they teach the patient how to more effectively cope with stress and negative feelings, to ultimately make better decisions in their future life.  Life skill classes can tech important skills to help the patient start their new life without addiction.

Drug Replacement Therapy

This is an option for someone who cannot seem to stop the withdrawal process by any other means, but still wants to stop using morphine and gain back some sort of functionality.  Drug replacement will basically just use a less damaging medication, as a replacement for the current addiction.  One of the most popular opiate replacement drugs s methadone.  Patients can function better on a methadone regimen than they can on morphine, offering them the chance at a more normal life.  This should only be used as a last option.